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Jameson Brown

Just Cause 3 Unlock All Gear Mods

Traversal mods alter the performance of the Wingsuit and Grappling Hook by changing stats such as reel-in speed and impact damage. These mods are unlocked when one completes Wingsuit Course challenges.

Just Cause 3 Unlock All Gear Mods


While there are dozens of mods and upgrades to unlock, players may want to focus on improving some abilities over others. For example, giving your boats the ability to perform jumps may be fun, but that won't be particularly useful during your liberation of Medici. Here are the mods we suggest focusing your efforts on unlocking:

The first unlock available for land vehicles is a good one. Land Nitrous will equip all rebel dropped vehicles with nitrous boost. The boost is invaluable for escaping enemies and winning races that will in turn, earn you more land vehicle gears.

Located under the air vehicles mods section, the flares allow you to fast travel to a different location on the map. You can only hold one at a time from the start, but by unlocking this mod early you can have three waiting in your pocket at all times.

By now you should be outta things to blow up, chaos should be caused and achievements should be unlocked. If not, now would be the time to mop up the remaining achievements. If your missing achievements such as ... Without bullets or This was supposed to be a western, you can reset all settlements after the story is beat!

First and foremost, you will need to liberate all oppressed settlements that are required to unlock these challenges. After that you now need to obtain 5 gears in all 112 challenges, the only advise i can give is to switch up to a different challenge in the same category, as having a few gear mods will help with some of the later challenges. You can tell the difference between a challenge that you have 5 gears in and one you haven't, completed challenges appear blue on the map, unfinished appear as green.

First you will need to of unlocked a priest, these are done at random through encounters. After unlocking a priest, find his sanctuary on the map and head to the nearest oppressed base or outpost and cause trouble. Once you have a 5 star heat level head back to the sanctuary, keeping your heat level on the way. Once you arrive, talk to the priest outside the chapel and the screen will fade to black, removing your heat level and giving you this holy achievement.

Early on, you may feel that Rico actually has a rather low power curve. You're pretty capable of destroying objects in with your starting set of equipment. (Pro-Tip: The easiest way to deal with helicopters is to tether them to the ground and reel in. Same with boats if you tether them to the ocean floor.) Most of the weapons you'll unlock are all about efficiency; bigger explosions, more range, and different firing modes. An explosion is an explosion, progression is just a matter of various types of explosions and bullets you can send out into the world. That's a contrast to something like Arkham Knight or Shadow of Mordor, where you feel your character is becoming much stronger; Rico is more about adding variety.

That's backed up by the Gear Mod system. As you liberate areas, you'll unlock extra courses for Rico to complete. Crash Bomb has you riding explosive-laden vehicles to a location within a time limit. The various Frenzy courses have you using different weapons to cause chaos. Shooting Galleries test your precision with different guns. Races involve time trials in a set vehicle. Wingsuit courses are like a mini Pilotwings, tasking you with flying through aerial hoops towards a finish line.

You'll have a preference for certain courses; I was never big on the Frenzy courses, while Wingsuit courses were my jam. Completing courses offers a certain number gears depending on your performance and these gears automatically unlock mods in specific categories as certain milestones. If you want better explosive capabilities for example, then you need to complete Frenzy courses. More options on your Rebel Drop vehicles? You need to finish the Races.

A number of these items are simple upgrades, including more tethers for your grappling hook, stronger tethers, or more grenades. Other mods are for flavor. There's one mod that turns your C4 mines into rocket boosters and you can have a ton of fun attaching those to vehicles and enemies. The Glass Grenade mod makes your grenades explode on impact, while the Homing Grenades mod does what it says on the tin. There's a mod allowing you to jump in Rebel Dropped cars (Awesome!) or another to allow you air brake in the wingsuit. Once you've unlocked a mod, you can turn them on or off; it's all about the experience you want to have in the game. If you want more of a challenge, turn the mods off. If you want to get crazy, there's some interesting cocktails of abilities available.

ConclusionAvalanche Studios returns with another sandbox of destruction. Just Cause 3 is a lot like Just Cause 2, but a host of additions including the wingsuit and gear mods make the game a joy to play. Add in some amazing graphics, stunning explosions, and a huge world and you have a nearly perfect title. One only brought low by online connection issues.

There are five Shooting Gallery (Weapon Training) Challenges. Getting five gears in all of them is required for 100% completion and to get the "All The Gears", "MOD Tinkerer", and "Winner Takes All, Again" achievements. There are eight types of challenges: 27 Wingsuit Courses, 18 Land Races, 4 Scrapyard Scrambles, 12 Crash Bombs, 5 Shooting Galleries, 25 Destruction Frenzies, 9 Sea Races, and 12 Air Races. That is a total of 112 challenges, and you must get five gears in each one of them for 100% completion. To unlock challenges, you must liberate every settlement in the game. The following are some weapon tips:

  • There are 27 Wingsuit (Traversal) Challenges. Getting five gears in all of them is required for 100% completion and to get the "All The Gears", "MOD Tinkerer", and "Winner Takes All, Again" achievements. There are eight types of challenges: 27 Wingsuit Courses, 18 Land Races, 4 Scrapyard Scrambles, 12 Crash Bombs, 5 Shooting Galleries, 25 Destruction Frenzies, 9 Sea Races, and 12 Air Races. That is a total of 112 challenges, and you must get five gears in each one of them for 100% completion. To unlock challenges, you must liberate every settlement in the game. The following are some wingsuit tips:There is no time limit, so use the "Wingsuit Air Brake" gear mod to go as slow as desired. Especially in the challenges where you have to glide downhill, it is very useful to use, but do not activate the "Wingsuit Quick Close" gear mod for this.

  • Shoot tethers on the ground to gain speed when needed.

  • The hardest challenges are 23, 24, 25, and 26. Take a look at those if you want to know what to expect.

The video begins on Insula Fonte, then goes to Insula Dracon, and finally to Insula Striate (always from south to north).

First, you must complete random encounters to unlock Priests and Monasteries. They occasionally appear randomly in liberated areas and will get marked when nearby. Complete three of them to get the "Three Holy Hideaways" achievement. Encounters can either unlock Priests or Resupply Points. When you have rescued your first priest, go to a large military base or town and cause chaos until you are heat level 5 (destroy chaos objects and kill enemies). Then, go to the monastery and talk to the priest to get the "Forgive Me, Father...". Make sure you do not lose your attackers on the way. You can also reset all settlements after the final story mission.

First, you must activate the "Booster Explosives" gear mod. It turns your GE-64 explosives into rocket engines. To unlock the "Booster Explosives" gear mod, you must complete some Crash Bomb challenges. Then, simply walk up to an enemy soldier and plant the explosive on him to get the "You're Outta Here!" achievement. It must be an enemy, as it does not work with allies or civilians.

While health cannot be upgraded, plenty of other things can be, including your tethers, wingsuit, weapons, grenades, bombs, and vehicles. All of the 'mods,' as they are called, are unlocked by earning gears by completing various challenges. Land races earn you gears to unlock car mods while the Crash Bomb challenges grant gears for the bomb mods. Some of these mods can impact how you play, like the one that makes your bombs act as rocket engines. After sticking these to an object, activating them first ignites the rockets, so for a while they will burn and propel the object, leading up to the explosion. Personally I preferred to have the bombs explode when I hit the button, so I kept these mods off.

As you may expect, the number of gears you receive from a challenge is based on the score you earn, with a maximum of five. Some challenge types can be harder and less fun than others, but if you want certain mods, you will have to run them regardless. Fortunately you do not need to perfect all of the challenges to unlock all of the mods they are associated with, so do the best you can and reap the benefits.

Personally I did not care much for the races and the Wingsuit Courses were also frustrating for me. The wingsuit itself can take a while to get the hang of and I think I know part of the reason why. The camera is not aligned with your movements, which makes it very hard to actually aim yourself. You have to feather the controls sometimes, but in tight areas that is not much of an option because not turning fast enough will cause you to face plant. At least it appears you cannot die from just slamming into something while wingsuiting. Why this choice for the camera was made, I do not know but it makes me wish a first-person mode was available for just the wingsuit.

The second reason is that I rarely got to benefit from the mods I would unlock, so why bother? The vehicle mods you unlock, like nitrous, are only available on the vehicles you have dropped in by the rebels, or those spawned for the challenges. Supply drops cost beacons you have to replenish and my preference is always to use what I find in the world anyway, so these mods are of little value to me. Those that affect the gear I walk around with though are a different matter. 350c69d7ab

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