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Ilya Drozdov
Ilya Drozdov

Evil Bong 777 Full Movie Hd Download __HOT__

Full Moon launched an IndieGoGo page to fund both Evil Bong 5 and Killjoy 5, both of which released the same year. High-5! was released on April 20, it takes place where the previous left off, and once again follows Larnell and Rabbit as they make a deal with Eebee to sell evil marijuana that turns people into zombies in order to save Velicity and Sarah. It is the last film until 888 to feature Larnell. The movie was released direct to video on DVD.

Evil Bong 777 full movie hd download

The very fact that Evil Bong has made it to seven movies (8 if you include Evil Bong vs Gingerdead Man) is outstanding. But remember the abysmal Witchcraft franchise lasted to 16 films and never made a single good one.Evil Bong hasn't either truth be told, but for the most part they've been just about watchable however dumb they may be.And dumb they are. To clarify this tells the story of our heroes including an elderly pervert, a hippie girl, a clown, an evil bong and a minature man made of marijuana manage to escape sexy hell but are now on the run for their lives from the evil Lucy Furr.The jokes mostly miss but there are a few passable ones in there, it all looks pretty terrible but has that Full Moon charm about it and it only has a one hour runtime.Part of me hopes that this is the final film, not because they're that bad but because I'd rather Evil Bong didn't go down in the annuls of history as an embarassment that didn't know when to die.777 isn't the worst, it isn't the best but is certainly for an aquired taste and this guys "Taste" is very much tired of the franchise.The Good:Consistent with cast/charactersLots of references/props from other Full Moon stuffThe Bad:Mindy RobinsonGoing a bit overboard with the T&A now Things I Learnt From This Movie:Las Vegas shows have gone downhillIf nipples are covered it doesn't count as toplessFull Moon must have a working partnership with someone in the porn industry

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