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Ilya Drozdov
Ilya Drozdov

Today I Will Recover EXCLUSIVE

The choices that governments make to restart their economic engine, including the long-term social, economic, and environmental co-benefits they seek to achieve through their stimulus investments, will be extraordinarily consequential in ensuring that they can build back stronger and better.

Today I Will Recover

The checklist essentially raises questions that governments should consider to assess projects and zero in on the most promising. Many governments already have sophisticated decision protocols in place, so this should be seen as complementary guidance, part of our contribution to the ongoing discussions on sustainable recovery pathways.

Policymakers have a lot on their plate right now, and economic recovery plans cannot move faster than efforts addressing the current health crisis. But as governments shift their focus to recovery, the choices that countries make will define what tomorrow looks like and whether we are better able to manage future global crises. This checklist will hopefully make these decisions a bit easier.

I commend the World Bank for developing and offering this checklist. What I find missing, however, is a definition of "growth".Sadly, as long as in discourse and practice "growth" means "growth in production and consumption", our recovery efforts are doomed to fail, since such a notion is disconnected from the laws of nature that we understand in terms of the hard sciences (physics, chemistry, biology). In other words, "sustainable ecomonic growth" in a material sense is an oxymoron, and our belief in it being possible is a false belief.Unless and until we unambiguously and exclusively define "growth" in terms of qualityy, there can be no real, sustained, recovery. And that definition needs to be applied retroactively, as well, meaning that we (humans) have to acknowledge that we have made a fundamental mistake, and that we need to actively counteract the many problems that we are facing now, such as global warming, rapid species depletion, the accumulation of persistent chemcials and toxic waste (including nuclear waste, deliberately obsoleted consumer electronic devices, and plastics) in the biosphere, or the factory farming related increase in viruses that have crossed species boundaries and bacteria that have developped resistance to antibiotics.In this context we will need to make political decisions that are compatible with nature, that is decisions toward increasing natural, economic, and social diversity. In practice this means that we develop national and regional self-sufficiency, move aweay from using or exporting non-renewable resources, sustantially reduce the material goods trade, and drastically reduce and slow down the movement of humans and animals across bioregions. On the other hand, there is not need to curtail the development of means and and procedures that allow for a waste-free movement of information and ideas - on the contrary: information and ideas re necessary for, and contribute to, diversity and resilience.All in all a tall order... but I am fairly optimistic that we (humans) will "get it" after the NEXT pandemic.

The social and economic consequences of this pandemic will be devastating. This explains the enormous volume of resources announced by several countries to face and recover from this battle. The G20 recently declared it would inject USD 5 trillion into the global economy . How can we guarantee that this money will be used to serve the most impacted and vulnerable? How to take advantage of this opportunity to innovate and foster a new economy? One that more focused on people and the planet?In addition to the G20 commitment, each country is designing their own strategies to recover its economy and ensure the inclusion of the poorest, who will be the most impacted. However, we know that these investments will follow the status quo in the old economy. The same that generated poor health care, strong inequality, deforestation, dependence on fossil fuels, among others.At this moment, with serenity and responsibility, we must adapt, review strategies and innovate concepts. In times of social distancing, as an act of solidarity, there is an obvious need for leadership, common sense, vision and empathy.

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One other positive piece of news for the crypto market is the widespread belief that the Luna/UST crash will not lead to contagion throughout the crypto ecosystem or bleed into the traditional financial world. In fact, the industry passed a very big test last week when Tether briefly lost its peg on Wednesday morning, dropping to 95 cents before quickly recovering. Yarlagadda says that there were fears among his clients that Tether was being shorted by investors in a deliberate attempt to drive the price down, though those claims were unproven. If Tether were to lose its peg it would be calamitous for the crypto industry and could possibly bleed over into traditional finance as well.

He is a CPE instructor who has been awarded with various awards: 2019 CPA Practice Advisor 40 under 40 accounting professionals, Outstanding Young CPA of the year & Among 21 accountants mentioned on Accounting Today who will be helping shape (and reshape) accounting in 2020 and beyond by Accounting Today

Many guides suggest that full recovery from a C-section takes 4 to 6 weeks. Yet every person is different, and much research suggests a significantly longer recovery time. Some studies, for example, have found that 60 percent of women have some pain in the incision 24 weeks after delivery.

It can take several hours to regain feeling after an epidural. It will not be possible to walk or use the bathroom without assistance, during this immediate postoperative period. Most women will have a catheter for several hours after delivery to help them urinate.

A nurse or doctor will carefully monitor the cesarean incision for signs of infection. They will also check vaginal bleeding. Even after a C-section, the uterus has to shed what is left of the pregnancy. Vaginal bleeding usually lasts 4 to 6 weeks after birth and is heaviest during the first days.

In most cases, doctors use dissolvable stitches. These will disappear, and the doctor will not need to remove them. In some other circumstances, a doctor may need to remove non-dissolvable stitches, usually a few weeks after birth.

Recovering from a C-section takes time and may take longer than a doctor or midwife says it will. Some women experience muscle or incision pain for several months. Others struggle with urinary incontinence due to weakened pelvic floor muscles.

Every C-section is different. Recovery may take longer when someone has a C-section as an emergency procedure. Infections, problems with the incision, and underlying health problems, such as diabetes, may also make recovery times longer.

The most important thing a person can do to recover more quickly is to talk to their healthcare provider. They should ask lots of questions about what to expect, then follow the recommendations they receive.

Rest is vital for recovery from any surgery. Yet for many new parents, rest is nearly impossible with a newborn in the home. Newborns keep irregular hours and may sleep for only 1 or 2 hours at a time.

The transition to parenthood can be difficult, especially when someone is recovering from major surgery. A supportive family or group of friends, caring medical staff, and reasonable expectations can make the recovery journey and the transition to parenthood feel more manageable.

The market was incredibly volatile through 2021, with bitcoin falling almost 50% between April and July. It recovered just as quickly, heading back up to almost $70,000 before the current crash began.

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